Just a quick thought…
I know a lot of very devout religious folk who pride themselves on their “orthodoxy”—for the Caths, it’s on the fact that they (attempt to) adhere to all of the teachings of the Magisterium. The sight of heterodoxy—of people who openly trivialize or reject particular doctrines—gets their panties in a bunch. Some of this frustration is driven by their reverence for sacred things, some by their fear that these people will lead others astray, and some by aspergian tendencies.
Cracks in pomo has already made clear that it is BOTH pro-orthodoxy AND pro-sin, which is to say, we recognize that the frailty of the will—despite being something we should all strive to overcome through the grace of God—is very normal and should not be stigmatized or treated as something that must be completely “eliminated,” and that the line between sin and sanctity should remain very much clear. Call a sin a sin…don’t normalize it, let it remain deviant. That’s what keeps it interesting.
That being said, as much as heterodoxy—blurring the lines and calling tradition into question—is cringe, it is actually not the worst thing in the world.