good point! I'll watch out.

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I agree with your analysis of how we got here. But let's remember that he's a populist by strategy alone. Do you believe he actually cares about, or has any intention of actually helping, the demographic he tapped to return to office? I, for one, do not. Besides avoiding prosecution, what he wants is to become our first Generalissimo with a breast full of , er, trumped up medals. He wants to be president in the same way he wanted his name on as many buildings as possible, in same way that he's thrown any number of plans against the wall to see what would stick. A man of destiny? What KIND of destiny? As dismayed as many people are at his election, I'm not altogether sure people like Russ Douhat really understand what's now on the table here. With apologies to Turkey, from now on our elections here may well be like theirs, or like Russia's. It's not beyond him. By now we should know the animal. I'm not sure there's anything that is beyond him.

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Yes, I agree completely. My piece is entirely a critique of the Dems. I have very little to say about Trump. Obviously he is leading with the mass deportation scheme, which Believe will essentially produce civil war.

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How long will it take till names like Eli Zaretsky appear on the Trumpist's deportation lists?

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