Love this. Especially “what makes the believer distinct is that she knows where to look, she knows Who to turn to, in the face of life’s difficulties and her own sinfulness.” Have you read The Sickness Unto Death? You and Kierkegaard would get along well I think.

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Really appreciate your effort to get "Bad Catholicism" in the discourse. Whenever you write about it, I'm reminded of Walker Percy's interview titled "Questions they never asked me so I asked myself". Q: What kind of Catholic are you? A: Bad. To think of what we can do for the Bad Catholics in our lives and the world we must first remember we are one of them!

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hey, the link to "“making gay ok”/recovering a phenomenology of sodomy" is broken!

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I'm brand new here and want to thank you for this post packed with great points to consider. I've been looking for a community/forum like this for so long. These are hard, tough things to discuss and share with each other, but I'm in.

I'm doubtful. I want Truth. I want Truth to be roomy enough for all of us. I want to find a way to remain Catholic (that is, worship in a Catholic church with my devout husband) while respecting my own need to gently move away from "dilapidated" ways of looking at Truth, faith, moral living, and other humans. I want to be in the trenches, helped by Truth, as we together live out our messy, subjective experience of life. I want the "Tent of Truth" to be big; to challenge us; to welcome us; to be a place to belong. I want to listen more and talk less.

Thank you for these posts. They are making my week!

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Contradicting consolations can be nonetheless wholly true. Hopefully, Holy true. You have keys to open opportunities for Christ like engagements for those who desire to be base and bridge building. A debate where the winner has the most understanding and truth.

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