Instagram, Twitter, email: stephenadubato at gmail dot com

Podcast on Spotify, Apple, and YouTube

Summer 2023 edition of the zine, and the intro

Getting to know Cracks in PoMo: essential articles and podcasts episodes

What is Cracks in PoMo?: A Manifesto

The Syllabus: A Cracks in PoMo reading list

$upport CracksInPomo by clicking on this link. We also take donations via PayPal (use email address above) or Venmo (@stephenadubato).

Curated by Stephen G. Adubato

Stephen’s writing archive

Presentations, pod guest spots, and citations

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Cultural commentary that gives precedence to aesthetics and ontology over ethics and politics.


Stephen G. Adubato is a writer and professor of philosophy based in New York. He is also the curator of the Cracks in Postmodernity blog, podcast, and magazine. Follow him on Twitter @stephengadubato and Instagram @cracksinpomo
A.J. Fezza is a writer and filmmaker living in the Philadelphia area. Twitter: @ajf_jf
all that's real to me is marilyn and jesus
I’m a Colombian grad student and Spanish and English teacher based in Florida. I mostly write stuff in Spanish, but I’m into reading all sorts of stuff.
Essays and Astrology from a Hot Person
Iowa Supreemist Ex-Atheist Mediocre Musician Kaffeost-Enjoyer Trophy Husband Black Metal Historian (amateur) I write about the gym, faith, fatherhood, Midwestern esoterica, rural depression, Norwegian black metal, and their crossroads
Brennan is an artist and writer living in New York City.
Writer, reader, artist, photographer, Style Coach. Working through my impulses to sugar-coat things that should not be sugar-coated.
Optimistic Contrarian Historian of Social Policy, Military History, and American Civilization.
Writer, ex-lawyer, and Zoomer supremacist.
Internet ethnographer. I want to talk to you if you grew up with unrestricted access to the Internet. @default_friend of X (formerly Twitter).