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email: stephenadubato at gmail dot com
The Zine: volume i (Summer 2023) and volume ii (Summer 2024)
Getting to know Cracks in PoMo: essential articles and podcasts episodes
What is Cracks in PoMo?: A Manifesto
The Syllabus: A Cracks in PoMo reading list
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Curated by Stephen G. Adubato

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Stephen G. Adubato is a writer and professor of philosophy based in New York. He is also the curator of the Cracks in Postmodernity blog, podcast, and magazine. Follow him on Twitter @stephengadubato and Instagram @cracksinpomo
A.J. Fezza is a writer and filmmaker. Twitter: @ajf_jf
Optimistic Contrarian Historian of Social Policy, Military History, and American Civilization.
all that's real to me is marilyn and jesus
Matt McManus teaches at the University of Michigan and is the author of The Rise of Post-Modern Conservatism and The Political Right and Equality amongst other books. His forthcoming book is The Political Theory of Liberal Socialism (Routledge)
Writer, ex-lawyer, and Zoomer supremacist.
Internet ethnographer. I want to talk to you if you grew up with unrestricted access to the Internet. @default_friend of X (formerly Twitter).
Carlos is a Brooklyn-based Venezuelan writer. He earned his MFA in Creative Writing in Spanish at New York University. He has taught courses at the Department of Humanities of Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, and has four books in Spanish in print
Brennan is an artist and writer living in New York City.
Harry Readhead is a writer and cultural critic. His work has appeared in The Times, The Spectator, The New Statesman, The TLS, and many other titles. He lives in London.
Writer, reader, artist, photographer, Style Coach. Working through my impulses to sugar-coat things that should not be sugar-coated.
Fr. Aric is associate pastor at St. Peter Claver Parish in Punta Gorda, Belize. His primary ministry is serving the Mayan village churches.
I’m into literature and writing both in English and Spanish. Read my stuff here, or listen to my podcast in Spanish at @elmatizdifusion .
Essays and Astrology
Colin O’Brien is a Minnesotan in exile in the Washington, DC area. He’s an Oblate of St. Benedict
of St. Anselm’s Abbey in DC and writes at the recently-founded Substack “In Whose Blent Air.” (inwhoseblentair.substack.com/)
Iowa Supreemist
Mediocre Musician
Trophy Husband
Black Metal Historian (amateur)
I write about the gym, faith, fatherhood, Midwestern esoterica, rural depression, Norwegian black metal, and their crossroads